Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio will be sitting in for Ed Schultz on The Ed Schultz Show today.  You can find a local station here, or listen online here.

On today’s show: Author Cliff Schecter will be here to talk about how Rick Perry is nothing more than a George W Bush clone.

Author Chris Mooney will talk with us about the continuing assault on climate science that has now infiltrated our school system.

John Nichols from the Nation will be joining us to talk about yesterday’s Democratic victories in Wisconsin.

Actor, comedian, and documentary filmmaker Harry Shearer will join us to talk about his new documentary “The Big Uneasy.”

Robert Weissman, the president of Public Citizen, will be here to talk about how government regulations are helping to save American lives.

And as always Daily Beast correspondent Rick Outzen joins Mike in the studio to talk about the biggest stories of the day.