By Virginia Buchanan

December 11th, 2012  12:30pm

Despite  Alabama GOP’s relentless ridiculing of President Obama and its vocal  rejection of federal government involvement in its state during the past election cycle, the facts show substantial dependence by Alabama on the federal government.

Figures released by  the conservative Washington think tank “The Tax Foundation” and based upon the U.S. Census Data, show that Alabama’s total revenues are comprised of nearly 40% of federally-provided dollars.  In addition, The Tax Foundation reports that Alabama ranks 20th among all states for the amount of its total revenues coming from federal tax dollars.  It’s conservative neighbor, Mississippi,  is the most dependent upon federal tax dollars.  It tops the list, with more than 49% of its total revenue coming from the federal government.

Virginia Buchanan is a shareholder at Levin, Papantonio.  She has served on the Board of Directions of the Florida Bar Foundation and has been Treasurer of ABOTA, Chairperson of the Civil Process Server Grievance Committeee and has been a member of the Chief Judge’s Council on Children. She currently is a member of the Women’s Caucus of the Florida Justice Association.