This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Mike Papantonio: Sundays at 12pm Eastern, 9am Pacific.

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This week on Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV:  Wall Street bankers and hedge fund managers make millions, and even billions, of dollars every year, for producing nothing of value for our economy.  All this happens while American workers watch their paychecks decline as their productivity increases.  We’ll take a look at that disparity with author Les Leopold (How To Make A Million Dollars An Hour.)

Faulty medical devices have been flooding the American market for years, with little to no federal oversight.  We’ll be taking a look at the failures of both the industry and the regulatory agencies that allow products on the market that are killing and crippling American citizens.  Attorney Daniel Nigh will join us for that discussion.

And defense contractors have stolen billions of dollars from the federal government in recent years, but our leaders in Washington continue to award them millions of dollars in federal contracts every year.  Will find out why with attorneys Howard Nations and Michael Burg.

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