Ring of Fire Host Mike Papantonio is contributing to a town hall meeting this evening in Baltimore. The panel will be discussing the controversy regarding gun control in the wake of recent gun violence and school shootings along with strategies for dealing with the epidemic of violence plaguing the nation. The panel will be taking questions from the public using the Twitter hashtag “#wbfftownhall”. Be sure to follow us @RingofFireRadio and have your voice heard.

The town hall in Baltimore will be the second in the series of town halls and more information about it can be accessed here. The previous town hall took place in Pensacola and saw vigorous and insightful debate on the issues.

President Obama encouraged that the citizenry maintain its outrage in the wake of the Newtown shooting. His message, that it is the responsibility of citizens to respond and try to protect the innocents like those lost. Pap and others are continuing that conversation tonight.

For the video from the first town hall, see our original post here.