The Freedom of the Press Foundation is running a fundraiser to pay for a court stenographer to be present at the trial of Bradley Manning. The organization is responding to the frustration caused by the authoritarian, and in some ways archaic, rules governing the whistleblower’s military trial.

Controversy has surrounded Manning’s proceedings, and the rules governing the transcripts from Manning’s trial are no different. The judge presiding over the case will make some of the transcripts available though many have reservations as to how complete the transcripts will be.

Manning was charged with, among other things, aiding the enemy, which can carry with it the death penalty, the unlawful possession and willful communication of classified information. Manning pleaded guilty to 10 of the 22 charges in February.

The secrecy surrounding Manning’s proceedings is precisely the sort of thing his releases to Wikileaks were protesting.

According to ProPublica, the foundation has estimated that it will need to raise $40,000 to $50,000 to pay for a reporter throughout the trial. As of the time of this writing the foundation has raised a little over $13,000.

You can support the foundation by donating here.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Twitter @Joshual33