Below are the most popular stories from Ring of Fire from the past week.

Private Money is Enough to Silence Public Television

America’s Public Broadcasting System, or PBS, is surrendering to private influence of the Billionaire industrialists, the Koch Brothers. “Citizen Koch,” a documentary that exposes the money driven politics that influenced the Wisconsin uprising, was rejected by PBS for fear of offending on of its key contributors, David Koch. The move by PBS was not the failed negotiation as they suggest it was, but a censorship, against their better judgment, to protect the hand that feeds them. … Read more.

House Bypasses Obama on Keystone Approval

Yesterday, the House passed a bill that would bypass the president to approve the northern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline. The bill will take away the need for presidential approval for the pipeline, which would move tar sands oil, the most toxic fossil fuel on the planet, from Canada to the Gulf Coast to be refined and shipped overseas. … Read more.

Tornado Brings Out the Crazies

Crazies like Alex Jones and Westboro Baptist Church are trying to capitalize on tragedy by drawing attention away from the Oklahoma tornado victims and onto themselves. … Read more.

Papantonio: Malpractice Lies Fuel Tort Reform Mania

Sarah Palin Slams Obama, Fails to Remember She’s a Quitter

Former Alaska Governor and vice presidential-elect Sarah Palin (R) went on a tirade Wednesday, slamming President Barack Obama for his response to the recent Internal Revenue Service (IRS) scandal. Palin voiced herself loud and clear on, calling the president “either a liar or hugely incompetent CEO.” … Read more.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire.