This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Mike Papantonio: Sundays at 12pm Eastern, 9am Pacific.  Full schedule of rebroadcasts can be found at

This week on Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV:  We’ll be talking with author and Ring of Fire co-host Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. about the climate criminals who are pumping unprecedented amounts of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere.

We’ll take a look at Obama’s complete descent into corporatism with attorney Howard Nations.

College graduates are struggling to pay for their student loans, and both the banks and the Obama administration are pulling in billions of dollars off of this struggle.  We’ll bring you all the details with radio host David Pakman.

Attorney Seth Katz will join us to talk about the horrible legacy that Eric Holder will be leaving as Attorney General.

And big pharma has been using human beings as lab rats for decades, but the true horror of what’s been happening only surfaced recently – investigative journalist Rick Outzen will tell you all about it.

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