This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Mike Papantonio: Sundays at 12pm Eastern, 9am Pacific.  Full schedule of rebroadcasts can be found at

This week on Ring of Fire on Free Speech TVFarron Cousins fills in for Mike Papantonio this week.

Coming up on today’s show, best-selling author Cliff Schecter will be here to talk about the scandals that Republicans tried to push against the president that backfired enormously.

Corporate America is making a killing, literally, by peddling dangerous products to American consumers – attorneys Howard Nations and Peter Burg will bring you the details.

Corporations are increasing their efforts to buy university scientists, and we’ll find out from investigative journalist Darwin BondGraham what this means for academic research.

And the dirty energy industry is ramping up their efforts to prevent clean, renewable energy from becoming a reality – author Antonia Juhasz will tell us all about that.

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