Below are Ring of Fire’s top stories from the past week.

Senator Tom Harkin

Senator Shuts Down GOP Criticism of Maternity Healthcare Coverage

Critics of the Affordable Care Act have attempted to attack every aspect of the healthcare law, including criticizing its inclusion of maternity healthcare coverage as an “essential health benefit.” On Tuesday, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) offered a “powerful rebuttal” to that criticism, ThinkProgress reports. … Read more.

Emergency room

Conservative Argument that Obamacare Gives Immigrants Free Healthcare is BS

Conservatives love to perpetuate the misguided notion that “Obamacare” gives free health coverage to illegal immigrants. Many reference this viral quote, which they falsely attribute to economist Ben Stein, when complaining about how Obamacare will provide health care coverage for non-citizens. Unfortunately, their argument is completely invalid … Read more.

Oklahoma Superfund site - hazardous waste

Groups Reach $14 Million Settlement Regarding Contaminated Oil Refining Site

On Friday, a settlement agreement was approved by the US Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware between the United States and APCO Liquidating Trust – successor to APCO Oil Corporation. After 7 years of litigation, APCO will pay $14 Million to the United States for the ongoing cleanup of the Oklahoma Refining Company (ORC) Superfund Site, the DOJ reports. … Read more.


Johnson & Johnson to Pay $2.2 Billion for Marketing Non-Approved Uses for Drugs

Multinational medical device, pharmaceutical, and health care products manufacturer Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiaries will pay more than $2.2 billion to settle allegations that they marketed three drugs – Risperdal, Invega, and Natrecor – for uses that were never approved, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ). … Read more.

Rafael Cruz - Christian Right

Rafael Cruz’s Outlandish Claims About Gays, Evolution, and Communism

According to Rafael Cruz, father of Tea Party-strongarm Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), the common term for homosexuals, “gay,” it actually a piece of mass manipulating political jargon used to push a liberal agenda. … Read more.


Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of FireYou can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.