Ring of Fire’s top stories from the past week.

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Pine Island Glacier - B-31

Iceberg the Size of Singapore Breaks from Antarctic Glacier

An iceberg the size of Singapore detached from Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier earlier this month, according to a report and images released by NASA. Scientists have hypothesized that rapidly-changing ice sheets are a result of warming weather. … Read more.

Water in cup on fire - fracking

House Passes Bill to Eliminate Fracking Regulations

On Wednesday, the House passed a bill that will block the Department of the Interior (DOI) from regulating fracking in states that already have regulations in place. The bill, H.R. 2728, passed the House in a 235 – 187 vote. Twelve Democrats voted in favor of the legislation and two Republicans voted against it. … Read more.

Corporate Welfare

Corporations are the Real ‘Welfare Queens’

Corporations are the real welfare queens, according to a report by The Thom Hartmann Program. Every year, the average American family gives an average of $6,000 to big business corporations in the form of taxpayer subsidies. According to the report, … Read more.

Walmart - frowny face

Walmart Breaks the Law by Firing Striking Workers

In the last year, Walmart employees have been striking against their employer because of low wages and dwindling hours. In response, the company has fired some of these employees and disciplined others in apparent retaliation, however, a labor group has ruled that this pushback by the company was illegal. … Read more.


Rick Scott Sued for Stifling Public Records

Florida Gov. Rick Scott, state Attorney General Pam Bondi, and the Department of State are being sued for failing to release public records. Steven Andrews, an attorney from Tallahassee, filed the suit yesterday. … Read more.


Four Adults Charged with Helping Cover Up The Steubenville Rape Case | @Tara_CR

A Fake Slum for Luxury Tourists Who Don’t Want to See Real Poverty | @awalkerinLA

The Hunger Games Are Real | @christopherzf

India’s Nuclear Scientists Keep Dying Mysteriously | @josephfcox

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.