Ring of Fire’s top stories from the past week.

Video Rewind

Duck Dynasty Supporters Share Some Unsurprising Similarities | @Joshual33

If you haven’t heard about the recent controversy regarding Duck Dynasty “patriarch” Phil Robertson, you haven’t either been near a television or in the vicinity of internet access. To catch you up, Phil Robertson made some remarks in an interview regarding homosexuals. Then, the internet had a collective heart attack. … Read more.

Wet algae slurry

Algae Converted to Crude Oil in Less Than an Hour | @childoftheearth

Scientists with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have successfully created a chemical process that produces crude oil from algae. The process takes less than an hour, is cost-saving, and is a significant discovery in biofuel science. … Read more.


Christmas Racism Prevalent Among Many Conservatives | @dnjdeli

Last week, Fox News host Megyn Kelly began an argument against a Slate article that asserted that Santa’s image and race could use an overhaul. Kelly insisted that Santa is, and should be, white. … Read more.


DePuy Pinnacle Lawsuit Alleges Cobalt and Chromium Hip Poisoning | @KrystaLoera

A Rhode Island man has filed suit against DePuy Orthopaedics, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, claiming that his implanted DePuy Pinnacle hip device allegedly caused him to develop elevated cobalt and chromium ion levels in his bloodstream. … Read more.


How the Dems Should Fight Income Gap in 2014 | @dnjdeli

In 2013, freshman Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) became the voice of the income inequality movement. She has taken on Wall Street and government banking deregulation, calling for major reforms in the American financial system. Now, the Democrats have announced a new fight against income inequality. … Read more.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.