The Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) just launched a television and radio campaign that criticizes that ridiculous amounts of money made and hidden by the state’s hospital CEOs.

The ad rails against the unnecessarily high salaries enjoyed by hospital CEOs, the millions of dollars they hide in offshore tax havens, and the billions in profit made by the hospitals. The ad also noted that half the generated revenue comes from taxpayer dollars, and smaller hospitals that help poor people are closing.

The MNA released the ad in support of the Hospital Profit Transparency and Fairness Act (H3844). The law would force hospitals that generate tax revenue disclose their profit margins, money held offshore, and their CEOs salaries.

“Taxpayers have the right to know if there tax dollars are paying for patient care of million dollar salaries for hospital CEOs,” said Donna Kelly-Williams, RN, President of the MNA. “And legislators making decisions on reimbursement rates for hospitals should insist that hospitals disclose how much money they store in offshore accounts and why hospitals don’t keep those funds in Massachusetts banks where they would benefit the Massachusetts economy.”

Healthcare funded by taxpayer money is technically social healthcare, but hospital CEOs have found a way to capitalize that. Over 50 percent of the revenue comes from taxpayer money. As advocacy groups have indicated, people do have a right to know where their tax dollars are going.