A Republican upstart trying to campaign her way into the Minnesota House of Representatives has been outed for blogging extremely offensive comments about expecting mothers in 2009.

Sheila Kihne is the challenger looking to unseat Rep. Jenifer Loon (R-Eden Prairie). Proving to be the actual loon between the two, Kihne posting in a personal, right-wing blog that President Obama organizes and leads the one-world-order communists and that single mothers should be denied formal wedding ceremonies.

“Don’t you think that if you’re having a baby – and you’re not married – that you should forego that shower?” she said. “I also think that if you get married – and are knocked up – you should get married quietly. At a courthouse, at a private home.”

Kihne made the abhorrent remarks unapologetically and even noted that those who are close to her have gotten enraged with her sordid comments. “I’m seen as very cold-hearted with this issue and it’s caused a couple of big arguments in my family,” said Kihne. She then criticized “the idiots in Hollywood who make it look ‘cool’ to tote a baby around sans daddy.”

Conservative women who engage in this sort of can be very damaging to the plight of American women. Kihne should be representing her sex and helping women progress in America’s male-driven society. But her attitude and opinions are the kind of things that just hold women back in America.

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.