We know what you’ve been waiting for, too afraid to step up and say it outright. But Momma Bear knew what you wanted. Momma Bear didn’t need you to say a word. Momma Bear is here to give you what you need.

Sarah Palin (Momma Bear) launched her own video channel*. Everyone, run for the hills.


Palin announced the channel on Facebook yesterday (working on a Sunday, ‘tsk ‘tsk). Having finally had enough of “media filters”, she said it’s time to go “rogue” … together. The channel will, no doubt, devolve into an echo-chamber for right-wing idiots.


Out of the gate, the page already looks like a desperate fundraiser on the verge of going belly up.

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“We’ll talk about and we’ll look at the ideas that I think Washington doesn’t want you to hear,” Palin says.

If there is some light at the end of that narcissistic tunnel, it’s that she’s hopefully consolidating her drivel to one place that we can conveniently relegate to the place it deserves: the trash can.

*Viewers pay $9.95/month. It’s unknown whether they’ll be refunded if the show is cancelled mid-season.

Joshua is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. You can follow him on Twitter @Joshual33.