Fred Couch, whose son Ethan was given the insultingly light sentence of 10 years probation for driving drunk and killing four people, was charged with impersonating a police officer, reported The Huffington Post. It appears that “affluenza,” the defense used by Ethan’s attorney describing that a privileged life leads to bad decision-making, runs through the family.

Fred Couch was arrested Tuesday morning in relation to a case stemming from an incident occurring late last month where Couch falsely identified himself as a Lakeside Police officer to responders of a house call. However, one of the actual officers with the North Richland Hills police, who responded to the scene, worked for the Lakeside Police and didn’t recognize couch, reported The HuffPo.

While at the scene, Couch produced a fake badge and identification card. But actual officers were able to point out that Couch was faking by observing his behavior. Officers didn’t recognize Couch while he was talking to a suspect. Also, the officers noticed that Couch didn’t react while the suspect was putting his hands in and out of his pockets, a behavior that police officers are trained to be watchful of.

North Richland Hills police launched an investigation into the unknown officer, and determined that Couch wasn’t with Lakeside, nor had ever been a cop in Texas. When the investigation concluded that Couch was a phony, he was found, arrested, and booked for impersonating an officer.

What is it about this father and son that makes them think they can get away with heinous, and in this case, ridiculous crimes? These two are bad eggs who probably think that, because of their wealth, they can break the law. However, the “affluenza” defense wouldn’t help the Couches this time.

Josh is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire. Follow him on Twitter @dnJdeli.