The internet is full of trolls. That’s pretty much the first rule of the internet. Followed by the second rule: don’t feed them. Donald Trump has apparently never been to the internet, though I’m sure he thinks it’s a nice place to erect a tower. The problem is that the trolls can be devilish pranksters and today someone got Donald Trump to retweet a picture of British serial killers Fred and Rose West.
Trump really missed it. Later, after realizing that he’d been duped, Trump came back and said that he had been mislead.
“Some jerk fraudulently tweeted that his parents said I was a big inspiration to them and pls RT – out of kindness I retweeted. Maybe I’ll sue.”
“I thought I was being nice to somebody re their parents. I guess this teaches you not to be nice or trusting. Sad!”
When you’ve got as many followers as Trump does (2.7 million), it may pay to do a little checking before spreading whatever someone sends your way.
All things considered, Kris Gilmartin nailed it when he said, “You’ve been Trumped there, Donald.”
.@realDonaldTrump @feckhead You’ve been Trumped there, Donald.
— Kris Gilmartin (@Kris_Gilmartin) September 29, 2014
Trump has deleted the tweet, but it’s safe to say it won’t be forgotten. Trolls: 1, Trump: 0.