Another Republican campaign has taken a turn for the horrible. A mailer is now circulating that calls for responders to call Michigan state’s John Fisher’s ailed mother of 91.

Fisher’s mother, according to a statement from his campaign to, was suffering from congestive heart failure and in hospice care at the time of the mailer.

Past mailers that attempted to inundate Fisher with a flurry of calls. Instead of being overwhelmed, Fisher had found the opportunity to talk to voters “worked to [his] advantage, because most people agree with me that policies that improve life for families and seniors are good for Michigan.”

“But to direct people to call a suffering woman who deserves peace and comfort is beyond the pale,” said Fisher. “Their lack of ethics and contempt for personal privacy is just another reason for people to question what – or better, who – the Republican Party stands for, so that they can make a wise decision at the ballot box…”

“I am disgusted that Republicans are recklessly bullying my mother when she needs rest and quiet the most, but she is not the only senior in Michigan whose life has been disrupted because of them,” Fisher said.

Brandt Iden, Fisher’s opposing candidate, issued a statement in which he stated that his campaign was not responsible for the mailer and that he doesn’t “condone negative campaign tactics and it’s not something my campaign has done or anticipates doing.”