A teacher in North Carolina was discussing bucket list items with a student when the teacher said that her list included killing black people, Salon reported.

Cynthia Ramsey is a math teacher and head of the math department at Camden County High School in North Carolina. The student’s mother, Kimberly Ashcraft, said on TV “She [Ashcraft’s daughter] conveyed to me that Mrs. Ramsey had indicated that if she only had 10 days to live that she would kill all black people.”

The school district has acted and suspended Ramsey from work while an investigation is conducted into the incident.

“At this point, our main concern is to investigate this incident thoroughly, and collect the facts,” said Superintendent Melvin Hawkins. “This is a personnel issue, and it is confidential until resolved. We are following protocol in this investigation and student and school employee investigations are confidential.”

It’s baffling that someone charged with the important task of educating our children would harbor such thoughts, let alone vocalize those thoughts to a student.

“I was completely shocked,” said Ashcraft. “I asked her again, ‘are you sure that was what you heard?’ I could not have imagined a teacher saying that.”

As part of the investigation, Camden County Sheriff Tony Perry said he handed the evidence to the local DA to decide to charges should be brought up.