Earlier today, ABC News reported that they had received copies of emails from a listserv called the “Mook Mafia,” maintained by a “prominent Democratic operative” who was at the top of the list for possible Hillary Clinton campaign managers.

The emails paint a picture of those at the top of political campaigns as aggressive, and sometimes profane and sophomoric.

Included in the conversations between Robby Mook and Marlon Marshall and their colleagues and associates were cries from Mook to “smite Republicans mafia-style,” and from Marshall to “punish those voters.”

In 2009, they even sent out a spoof news release from Bill Clinton announcing the listserv and a new website. The release, which ABC said appeared to have been written by Marshall said “The Mafia has finally built a bridge to the 21st century … This is even more exciting than walking through the back of the Bellagio.”

A Democrat on the listserv gave the emails to ABC News on the condition of anonymity, because, while they support Hillary Clinton and her possible 2016 presidential bid, they do not want either Mook or Marshall holding leadership roles on her campaign.

“Much of the email traffic on the listserv appears to have been mundane: announcing job openings and new assignments, advertising or seeking rooms for rent in battleground states and organizing reunions,” reported ABC News, but in “the more substantive messages … Marshall emerges as the more aggressive ofthe duo.”

In early 2010, he wrote to fellow “Mafia” members, “F U Republicans. Mafia till I die. If you have just a few minutes, hop on that activate and punish those voters!” According to ABC, “Activate” is referring to a software program which allows volunteers to call targeted voters from anywhere in the country.

The Democrats got trounced this election cycle, and with people like this running the campaigns, it’s starting to become increasingly clear why. When behavior like this is happening at the top, it infects all aspects of the campaign, and you end up with results like the Dems got two weeks ago. The party, and all of its supporters, deserve better.

Watch ABC News’ coverage of the leaked emails.

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