AirAsia Flight 8501 went missing a little before 7:30 am Singapore time on Sunday with 162 people, including passengers and crew, on board, the Huffington Post reported.

While search crews have so far been unable to determine the plane’s location, here’s what we do know:

Who is on board?

  • One of the two pilots, and most of the passengers and crew are Indonesian.
  • The other pilot and one of the passengers are French.
  • Three passengers are from South Korea, one is from Malaysia, one is from Singapore, and one is from Great Britain.
  • The airline has reported that there are 16 children and one infant on the flight.
  • Other than the pilots, the Indonesian Iriyanto and the French Remi Emmaneul Plesel, have been identified.

Search Efforts

  • Air search operations stopped late Sunday after finding no wreckage.
  • Boat search operations continued, but have not found anything as of yet.
  • Full search efforts were expected to start back at about 6 am Monday.

Family members of the missing passengers have gathered at Juanda International Airport, where the plane took off, and at Changi Airport, where the flight was scheduled to land.

In addition to providing free hotel rooms and food to those waiting at the airport, AirAsia has also set up a hotline for people looking for information. Anyone looking for a lost relative/loved one can call +622129850801.