Police arrested two protesters after a group of 20 performed a demonstration at the home of former Vice President Dick Cheney on Saturday, reported the Huffington Post. Applause to the demonstrators for actually showing up to Cheney’s home.

The protesters are part of Code Pink, and anti-war activist group. They conducted a protest at the McLean, Virginia home of Cheney to mark the 14th year since the opening of the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.

Police showed up to the residence and asked the protesters to vacate the premises. All but two complied and stood their ground. They were then arrested on trespassing charges, said Fairfax County police spokesman Roger Henriquez. The two people arrested were Tighe Barry, 57, and Eve Tetaz, 83.

What’s remarkable is the persistence of these two people, who are also in the advanced years of their lives. Tetaz is 83-years old and still took on Cheney and the Police.

The protest regarded the Guantanamo Bay prison and the torturous methods used by the CIA that were recently outed in the CIA torture report. Cheney is the torture program’s biggest cheerleader and “has defended the CIA’s use of harsh interrogation techniques on terrorism suspects.”

Cheney was one of the main architects of the Iraq War and the torture program. What’s more, after years of promises from Obama to close down the Guantanamo Bay prison, it remains open.

Close the prison, and release the prisoners if they can’t be tried.