A new bill proposed by Oklahoma State Representative Kevin Calvey (R) would prohibit district attorneys from prosecuting state elected officials, legislators, district court and appellate judges, and appointees to state commissions for public crimes, The Oklahoman reported.

Naturally, Oklahoma DAs are outraged.

“It’s a big deal to me. I’m upset and concerned,” said Oklahoma County DA David Prater. “This bill creates a different class of citizens that would be protected from the normal prosecution process.” Prater also questioned whether or not the bill is “retaliation” for his prosecution of state legislators, a judge, and members of the Pardon and Parole Board.

Calvey, however, said the bill is a result of the “malicious prosecution” of former Texas Gov. Rick Perry over allegations of his abuse of power, not because of anything that has happened in Oklahoma, calling the case a “witch hunt by a local prosecutor.”

This bill is an attempt by Republicans to protect Republicans. Plain and simple.

Watch KSWO’s coverage of this ridiculous legislation.