A top GOP adviser from John McCain’s 2008 presidential run is apparently not one of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s supporters.

In fact, Mark Salter went so far as to call him “a dumbass,” Business Insider reported.

On Facebook last week, Salter shared a link to a National Review article that criticized Walker’s comments about how he could deal with the Islamic State terrorist group because he had dealt with protesters rallying against his anti-labor union policies.

Along with the link, Salter wrote, “I want to like him, but Scott Walker is kind of a dumbass.


In the article Salter posted, National Review’s Jim Geraghty explained exactly how misguided and idiotic Walker’s statement on ISIS was.

“[Taking] on a bunch of protesters is not comparably difficult to taking on a Caliphate with sympathizers and terrorists around the globe, and saying so suggest Walker doesn’t quite understand the complexity of the challenge from  ISIS and its allied groups.”

Geraghty also said that, while he disagrees with the point of their protests, that those fighting Walker were “not ISIS. They’re not beheading innocent people. They’re Americans … they don’t deserve to be compared to murderous terrorists.”

Despite members of his own party realizing that Walker is a complete idiot, he still managed to come in second in the Conservative Political Action Conference presidential straw poll over the weekend, coming in behind Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.