Conservative blowhard and possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said that the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program could have been done in one day and that President Obama is a terrible negotiator.

During an appearance on Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor, Trump was asked to pretend he was John Kerry and explain how he would handle the negotiations.

“Well, I’d do a good job to start off with,” said Trump. “He has to immediately say, this is what we want,’ and if he doesn’t get it he’s got to walk.”

“For months and months, I’ve been hearing you and everybody else talking about this deal,” he continued. “It’s not a deal that should take so long. You can do a deal in one day, if they wanted to. Remember this: the Iranians, and the Persians generally, are great negotiators. We are terrible negotiators. The people representing the Obama administration, and Obama himself, are terrible negotiators.”

Watch Trump’s ridiculous comments from the O’Reilly Factor, posted by Crooks and Liars.