Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was a guest on last night’s Real Time, and host Bill Maher offered the congresswoman $1 million to run for president in 2016.

After a discussion of the economy and ways to fix it – raising the minimum wage, reducing student loan interest rates, standing up to big banks, the conversation turned to the 2016 presidential election.

Noting that he had given $1 million to Democratic candidates in the past, Maher said that there was only one candidate that he would be willing to give that much money to this time.

“If you choose to run, and you are the candidate,” Maher said to Warren, “I will find a way to give you $1 million. So does that change your thinking at all?”

“I’m not running for president,” said Warren to the disappointment of the crowd.

Watch Maher’s offer from last night’s Real Time.