On Friday, CNN’s medical corespondent Sanjay Gupta published an article in which he argues that there is a marijuana revolution coming, and that it’s high time for it.
“We are eyewitnesses to a revolution in full swing,” said Gupta.
In the article, he stated that popular opinion has changed on the substance. In a 2013 Pew Resource Center survey, 77 percent of respondents stated that they would support legalizing marijuana for medical purposes and 52 percent supported full legalization.
Gupta wrote:
I see a revolution that is burning white hot among young people, but also shows up among the parents and grandparents in my kids’ school. A police officer I met in Michigan is part of the revolution, as are the editors of the medical journal, Neurosurgery. I see it in the faces of good parents, uprooting their lives to get medicine for their children — and in the children themselves, such as Charlotte, who went from having 300 seizures a week to just one or two a month. We know it won’t consistently have such dramatic results (or any impact at all) in others, but what medicine does?