Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) thinks there is a liberal propaganda war being waged in America, and its weapon of choice is The Lego Movie, reported The Huffington Post.

The villain in The Lego Movie is an evil businessman who’s hellbent on destroying the entire world for profit. Johnson believes the storyline is a criticism of American capitalism because of its portrayal of the businessman as a villain.

“That’s done for a reason,” said Johnson. “They’re starting that propaganda and it’s insidious.”

After the HuffPo reported on Johnson’s insane claim, Johnson fired back on his website.

“[T]he point that The Lego Movie was an especially grievous slam on business was made by others,” Johnson wrote. “The strange thing isn’t that a kids’ movie was anti-business, it is that someone claiming to be a journalist never encountered the idea before.”

A YouTube video, uploaded yesterday, shows Johnson speaking about a phone call he shared with a father who apparently had similar concerns about animated films with villainous businessmen.

“I actually called a gentleman, it was a couple of months ago, he was so upset, he took his children to an animated movie . . . guess who the villain was? Evil Mr. Businessperson. It’s insidious. That propaganda starts very early,”  said Johnson.

Sen. Johnson is proud of his exorbitant wealth, calling himself a “self-made millionaire.” The HuffPo reported that Johnson actually married into a wealthy lifestyle and didn’t earn all of his money because he worked as an executive at his father-in-law’s company. That’s not working his way up, that’s nepotism.

Johnson has followed the example of Fox News, which has criticized many other children’s movies for being propaganda: The Lorax, The Muppets, and It’s a Wonderful Life. Republicans always seem to outdo themselves when it comes to fear-mongering and paranoia. Johnson may be the craziest example this year.