Glenn and Buzz are a pair of stray terriers who have a special relationship. Glenn, a Jack Russell, is completely blind. His companion Buzz, a Staffordshire Bull, serves as his eyes. The dogs were found roaming the streets in England, and have been taken into the care of an animal shelter. They have been placed for adoption, but the catch is that they must be adopted together, because the dogs simply cannot be separated without each going into severe depression.

Why is it that Buzz has had no problem caring for his blind companion? Buzz leads Glenn around, takes him to his food, makes sure he does not put himself in danger. Buzz recognizes that Glenn needs assistance to survive, and he is willing to provide it, even when both were homeless and roaming the streets without any additional help.

What is it going to take for the GOP and Justice Scalia to one day realize that they can be as humane as Buzz the dog, and provide medical care and assistance to those less fortunate? It might not occur any time soon, but at least the majority of the United Supreme Court was more like Buzz than the GOP and Scalia, and upheld the Affordable Care Act.