Ben Carson: “I call on Congress to make sure deeply held religious views are respected and protected. The government must never force Christians to violate their religious beliefs.”

Bobby Jindal: “[Marriage was] established by God and no earthly court can alter that. [The decision] will pave the way for an all out assault against the religious freedom rights of Christians who disagree with this decision.”

Carly Fiorina:  “I do not agree that the Court can or should redefine marriage. I believe that responsibility should have remained with states and voters where this conversation has continued in churches, town halls and living rooms around the country.”

Chris Christie: “I don’t agree with the way it’s been done, but I take an oath, and the same way I’ve supported and enforced the law here in New Jersey since our Supreme Court made their 7-0 decision on same-sex marriage, and I’ve supported and endorsed that law. I would have to do the same across the country. But I want to be clear — I don’t agree with the way it was done, but it’s been done, and those of us who take an oath have a responsibility to abide by that oath.”

Donald Trump: “[It’s another example of] the Bush appointed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts letting us down. Jeb pushed him hard! Remember!” News Flash Donald!  Justice Roberts voted against same sex marriage.  He voted with the minority. You actually should have been applauding him with your distorted views.

Jeb Bush: “I believe the Supreme Court should have allowed the states to make this decision.  I also believe that we should love our neighbor and respect others, including those making lifetime commitments. In a country as diverse as ours, good people who have opposing views should be able to live side by side.”

Lindsey Graham: “Rather than pursing a divisive effort that would be doomed to fail, I am committing myself to ensuring the protection of religious liberties of all Americans. While we have differences, it is time for us to move forward together respectfully and as one people.”

Marco Rubio: “While I disagree with this decision, we live in a republic and must abide by the law. As we look ahead, it must be a priority of the next president to nominate judges and justices committed to applying the Constitution as written and originally understood.”

Mike Huckabee: “Five lawyers on #SCOTUS can no more repeal the laws of nature and nature’s God on marriage than they can the laws of gravity. [The only] outcome worse than this flawed, failed decision would be for the President and Congress, two co-equal branches of government, to surrender in the face of this out-of-control act of unconstitutional, judicial tyranny.”

Rick Santorum: “Today, five unelected justices decided to redefine the foundational unit that binds together our society without public debate or input. Now is the people’s opportunity to respond because the future of the institution of marriage is too important to not have a public debate.”

Scott Walker: “[The] only alternative left for the American people is to support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to reaffirm the ability of the states to continue to define marriage.”