By now, it is no secret that Josh Duggar molested members of his family. In the fray of reporting on the story, however, many missed that the Duggar son also molested his babysitter. She isn’t going to keep quiet like the others and has filed a civil lawsuit against the family. reports:

The statute of limitations has expired and that spells trouble for the Duggars, for it means that they will no longer be able to invoke the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination in the civil suit that is set to be filed.

If that’s true, those of us who are following the scandal surrounding the Duggar son will be given an inside view of the Duggar world.

The Duggars’ TV show 19 Kids and Counting was taken off the air when news of Josh’s sins broke. The future of the show remains unknown but information could come from the suit that will make a strong argument for keeping the show off the air forever.