The South Carolina House approved the removal of the Confederate flag from Capitol grounds. The will mark the end of the flag’s 50-year run over the Capitol, having first been raised as a protest against the movement for civil rights.

It took thirteen hours of speeches and debate to finally convince lawmakers to pass the legislation that approved the flag’s removal. South Carolina’s removal of the flag is a step toward its recognition that the flag represents an oppressive and offensive culture.

“South Carolina can remove the stain from our lives,” Representative Joe Neal said. “I never thought in my lifetime I would see this.”

The bill to remove the South Carolina Confederate flag was passed by a two-thirds margin. Now, Governor Nikki Haley will sign the law, which she called for, and the flag will be removed.

Haley commented on Facebook about the bill’s passing:

Today, as the Senate did before them, the House of Representatives has served the State of South Carolina and her people with great dignity. I’m grateful for their service and their compassion. It is a new day in South Carolina, a day we can all be proud of, a day that truly brings us all together as we continue to heal, as one people and one state.

Haley faced negative reaction in the comment responses to her post with many vowing that she would be removed from office swiftly for her betrayal of their ideals.

I don’t understand how such a republican governor can take away one of the important things for our state. Why? Because it offends people? Well, a lot offends me, but I don’t see you banning that too. What about what the rest of most of this state wants? – Facebook