This past week, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley presented at Netroots Nation, talking about issues they feel the country needs to address. During their presentations, in which they talked about issues such as increasing taxes on the billionaire class and increasing the power of working Americans in politics, protesters associating themselves with the #BlackLivesMatter movement interrupted and demanded that their issue be addressed.

While issues of racial disparity in our economics, politics, and policing are pertinent and important to the Democratic party, and should be for all Americans, these can and must be one of the many issues that our politicians address. No candidate can maintain viability while only addressing this one issue.

People wanting to see the sort of change that the #BlackLivesMatter movement seek may need to address finding who is already in their corner, rather than their current course of action.

Watch this discussion of how #BlackLivesMatter and other groups are effectively pushing ordinary, middle-of-the-road voters away from both political parties.