Conservative news site Breitbart has reportedly been taking money from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in return for positive coverage about the loud-mouthed real estate magnate.

BuzzFeed reported late Sunday that members of Breitbart’s staff became increasingly concerned over the conservative outlet’s favorable coverage of Trump. Two anonymous Breitbart staffers told BuzzFeed’s McKay Coppins that they had been notified of an apparent deal between Trump and Breitbart. A third anonymous source said the site “overruled” its own editors as per Trump’s request. Breitbart denied the claims.

“We have no financial relationship with Donald Trump as an investor, advertiser or in any other capacity at this time – nor have we ever,” said Steve Bannon, Breitbart’s executive chairman. “ The institution that we do – or did – is a lie. Mr. Trump is a savvy and successful businessman but not the type of investor I partner with in emerging growth companies.”

The claims set forth by the anonymous Breitbart staffers isn’t wholly unreasonable. Trump is a rich guy who needs/wants all the publicity he can get. He still believes Fox News owes his something because the debate’s massive viewership. For Trump to purchase favorable news coverage wouldn’t be surprising.