Ohio State Trooper Eric Devers saved the life of John Depue, 53, after finding Depue at the scene of an accident and providing emergency medical assistance until EMS professionals could arrive.

The video published by the Ohio State Highway Patrol on its Facebook page is compelling.

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/OhioStateHighwayPatrol/videos/910164162410686/” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

The Highway Patrol describes the scene:

Devers found the driver belted in the driver’s seat, taking low, gasping breaths with eyelids half closed. After a short amount of time, the driver’s eyes rolled back into his head; he slumped over and quit breathing. A passerby who stopped to assist Trooper Devers kept the driver upright as Trooper Devers performed CPR chest compressions until EMS arrived.

“Come on, keep breathing,” Devers can be heard saying in the video. “Don’t you die. Don’t you die on me! Come on. Come on!”

On the scene a full 12 minutes before medical personnel arrived, Trooper Devers is credited with saving Depue’s life. Depue was taken to a local hospital and has made a full recovery.

In a culture so inundated with corrupt and brutal policing, it’s a kind reminder to know of the fierce, kind efforts of an officer like Devers.