Bill O’Reilly is deeply troubled by America’s supposed aversion to punishing the poor. Our kindness towards these dirty miscreants, according to Bill O’Reilly, is turning America into a new South Africa.

“It is horrifying to watch as the violent crime rate is skyrocketing in some places run by liberal politicians,” said O’Reilly on his program. “That’s because many on the left do not want to punish people, especially the poor, who commit crimes.”

It was a short trip from that before O’Reilly had envisioned the whole of America falling into the depths of lawlessness.

So the U.S.A. is now on the verge of becoming South Africa. As you may have heard, paralympic runner Oscar Pistorius is expected to be freed from prison this week after serving only 10 months for shooting and killing his girlfriend. In a bizarre trial, Pistorius was convicted of culpable homicide after he testified that he shot Reeva Steenkamp in the bathroom of their home because he thought she was a burglar. Absurd and everybody watching the trial knows it. …Quite simply, South Africa should be ashamed.

Here in the U.S.A., the Media is largely ignoring the rising stats on violent crime.

Watch O’Reilly rant below.