A recent poll discovered that if faced against one another, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would beat Donald Trump by a wide margin, reported The Hill.

The poll, released by CNN/ORC, found that Sanders would outpace Trump by 20 points. He also beats Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker by six to seven points, and ties with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Sanders having a landslide advantage over Trump is very telling, not only of Sanders’ viability, but of Trump’s actual weakness. He may have all the attention, but Trump isn’t popular.

Bush is the Establishment favorite for the Republican Party, “which means that this poll, at least, refutes the notion that Sanders is not electable and supports the idea, instead, that Sanders could defeat any Republican.” If Sanders can tie with Bush, he can definitely beat Trump.

As Trump gets more media exposure, his act will become more exposed. There are serious journalists out there who will show the country that Trump is not a serious candidate. He’s only an entertainer who wants attention.