Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced his support for the Iran nuclear deal, reports CBS News. Reid’s endorsement helps to protect the deal, and he said he will do “everything in my power to ensure that it stands.”

According to a statement from Reid:

One of the most important national security challenges of our generation is stopping Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, a goal that is critical to the national security of the United States, the State of Israel and the world. After years of study and months of careful review of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and its predecessor agreement, I support this agreement because I believe it is the best path to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Reid’s support will surely reel in the aid of other Democrats looking to keep in line with the Senate Democratic leadership. However, some Senate Democrats have announced their opposition to the agreement: Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York and Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey. Currently, 27 Democrats have announced their support of the Iran nuclear accord.

The Obama administration needs the support of seven more Democrats to make sure the deal stays afloat. Due to the fact that both chambers of Congress are Republican-controlled, it’s expected that the GOP will pass a resolution to block the deal. There are still 17 Democrats left who have not yet announced their position on the agreement.