Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar turned down an interview with People magazine because the publication couldn’t promise that it wouldn’t ask questions about their son, Josh, reported RawStory.

With the revelations that Josh Duggar molested several of his sisters, and him being revealed in the Ashley Madison hack, scandal has rocked the Duggar family. The family sold itself as the bastion of family values, but Josh completely destroyed their reputation when he admitted to cheating on his wife. When People contacted the Duggars, the family made demands that the magazine could not honor.

“They did not want to discuss the scandal, only the future of the family,” said a source at People. “They wanted to avoid it altogether, which is completely ridiculous. How can they do a cover story and not address the issue at hand.”

The Duggars’ show, 19 Kids and Counting, was canceled by the TLC network and left the family without its $25 million income. Scrambling for income, Jim Bob pitched an idea for a show where he counsels sexually abused kids and teens, an odd proposition considering Josh’s past actions.

This interview could have been the Duggars’ big chance to save face in front of the country. However, the scandals of Josh Duggar proved too much for the family to handle. Their future is anybody’s guess.