Family Research Council President Tony Perkins has again doubled down on the insane notion that President Obama is fighting against Christians, reported Right Wing Watch.

Perkins said that President Obama is taking it easy on ISIS because he’s preoccupied with his “diabolical” plan to “wage war on Christians.” Perkins also said Obama’s pro-LGBT agenda will “force Christians in the military underground,” and once said it encourages ISIS to murder Christians.  

Perkins is truly insane:

President Obama, America’s Commander-In-Chief, is aggressively attacking what he believes is the greatest threat to the U.S. Armed Forces. No, not ISIS. Not Hamas. Not Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea. It’s Christian servicemen and women who dare to practice their faith openly.

As President Obama has radically transformed the military, removing the prohibition against open homosexuality and now pushing to lift the ban on transgenderism in the military, there appears to be room for anyone and everything but Christians and Christianity.


Despite the growing threats against our nation, President Obama is undeterred in his efforts to make our nation’s armed forces a far Left social experiment.

The Obama administration is focusing on providing gender reassignment drugs for a convicted traitor facing 35 years in Leavenworth; adding benefits for same-sex couples; and sponsoring gay pride events. A terrible waste of much-needed resources after the dangerous cuts of the military budget!

But what makes the President’s agenda even more diabolical is that while he is expanding protections for LGBT troops, he is also attempting to force Christians in the military underground.

The war on Christians will destroy our military.

Already we see signs that America’s military is corroding as morale plummets. According to a survey of more than 770,000 soldiers, more than half are unhappy and distrust leadership.

That’s why it is essential that we fight and contend for religious freedom in the armed forces. In many ways, the U.S. military is a cultural vanguard. What the military tolerates—or in the case of Obama’s military, actually affirms—will be a precursor of what our culture as a whole will embrace.