Today’s college graduates are so burdened with student loan debt that they’d be willing to go through extreme measures to eliminate that debt, like turning their life into a reality show or selling an organ.

A study conducted by MyBankTracker surveyed a sample of 200 college graduates to find out how desperate graduates are to eliminate their debts. Fifty-five percent of respondents say they’d allow their entire lives to become reality TV shows if it meant losing their debt. More extreme, 30 percent of millennials say they would sell an organ to eliminate their student loan debts.

organdebtOfficials with MyBankTracker believe that these decisions aren’t drastic or extreme, but millennials are desperately trying to avoid the reality of having tremendous student debt.  

“I don’t think they’re making drastic decisions or would take drastic measures – but what it does tell me is that they’d rather get rid of their debt quicker than adapting to it over time and making it part of your day to day reality,” Alex Matjanec, co-founder of MyBankTracker, said in a recent phone interview about the study. “They don’t want to multitask, they just want to get it out of the way.”

Crippling student loan debts are getting in the way of milestone events in several young people’s lives. They’re delaying marriage, having children, and buying homes. But in this economy, these decisions do prove to be the best ones.

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