The work of more than 50 United States intelligence analysts, regarding ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria, has been altered by senior officials, reported the Daily Beast. The reports are being doctored to create a positive narrative about America’s progress in the Middle East.

After several complaints, the Pentagon’s inspector general will open an investigation into the allegations. The Daily Beast noted that the many complaints “suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command . . . assesses intelligence.”

Two senior analysts at CENTCOM signed and sent a written complaint alleging that intelligence reports were altered to make terrorist groups look weaker than they actually are. CENTCOM officials at the top falsified the reports to create the storyline that America’s efforts against ISIS and Al Qaeda’s Syrian branch have been successful.

Analysts with the Pentagon, who have complained about the changes, say the outlook in Syria is more grim than what the Obama administration insists. They say that top commanders are trying to put a positive spin on the conflict to advance their careers.