Anti-gay activist Theodore Shoebat posted a video to YouTube saying that he thinks gay people are out to kill all the Christians. That’s their mission, he says. He cited reports that Kentucky court clerk Kim Davis received death threats from extreme groups.

When we see these threats, it really shines a light on the demonic and satanic and violent desires that these homos have. Do not think for a second that the sodomites would treat us peacefully! Do not think for a second that the sodomites do not want to commit persecution against Christians. I do not hesitate at all to say that the sodomites — and I say this with confidence — that the sodomites would not hesitate to kill people like me, to kill Kim Davis, to kill other Christians, to kill anyone who is opposing their agenda.

Shoebat is one of the heavy-hitters of the anti-gay movement, having appeared in documentaries popular with the religious anti-gay crowd.

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