Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum said during Wednesday’s “child’s table” debate that Kentucky clerk court Kim Davis’ “persecution” made her similar to the Columbine shooting victims. He’s really stretching on this one.

“Sixteen years ago this country was tremendously inspired by a young woman who faced a gunman in Columbine and was challenged about her faith and she refused to deny God,” Santorum said. “We saw her as a hero.”

There are some problems with this comparison. Santorum is referring to Cassie Bernall, who reportedly responded “yes” when one of the Columbine shooters asked if she believed in God. She was shot and killed. The problem lies in the fact that Bernall’s martyrdom sprouted from myth. It didn’t happen the way most people believe.

Valeen Schnurr was the Columbine victim that told Dylan Klebold that she believes in God; she survived. Santorum resorted to myth and falsehood to bolster a fundamentalist agenda and protect Davis.

The biggest problem is the comparison itself. Defending your belief in God at gunpoint is far more noble than denying same-sex couples the right to marriage. Schnurr was clearly the victim of persecution and remained faithful in the face of certain death. Davis used a vague Bible verse in the Old Testament to victimize another group of people.

The two are nothing alike.   

For more on this story, visit RawStory Rick Santorum: Kim Davis is like victim of the Columbine massacre