Veterans for a Strong America, the fake vets group that endorsed Trump and has no members, just lost its non-profit status. Joel Arends, the group’s founder and only member, has not filed any tax returns for the group in three years, prompting the IRS to revoke the group’s non-profit status.

Considering that the group sold tickets for an event and endorsed Trump, ReverbPress reported:

Regardless of its legal status as a nonprofit, Veterans for a Strong America’s endorsement of Trump on the deck of the USS Iowa may also raise campaign finance questions. Under federal law, corporations are restricted to donating $2,700 either in cash or in-kind contributions to a campaign. But the event, which Veterans for a Strong America paid for, involved 850 attendees, putting the cost at roughly $11,000.

This revelation is an amazing slap in the face to Trump, who claimed this group gave him the support of 100,000 veterans. Trump is a walking bag of lies.

For more on this story, visit ReverbPress “LOL! IRS Revokes Non-Profit Status From Donald Trump’s Bogus Veterans Group (VIDEO)”