Donald Trump has suddenly found Christ. He portrays himself as a devout Christian offended by what he claims to be a war on Christianity. He says this will all change when he is elected President:

The word Christmas — I love Christmas, I love Christmas — you go to stores now and you don’t see the word Christmas, it says ‘Happy Holidays’

Remember the expression ‘Merry Christmas?’ You don’t see it anymore. You’re going to see it if I get elected, I can tell you right now.

Of course, as Ring of Fire has previously noted, Trump is the furthest thing from a devout Christian. He can’t state a single Bible verse. When he finally did, it wasn’t even a real verse. The only book his first wife stated he kept near his bed was that of Hitler’s speeches.

Moreover, Trump’s commitment to Christmas apparently doesn’t extend to his own business.  Check out the below “Christmas” card his company sent out. It doesn’t say “Merry Christmas”. It provides “Happy Holidays.” Apparently, Trump’s devotion to Christ only applies to running for GOP presidential candidate.

Trump Holidays

Watch David Pakman address Trump’s imaginary war on Christmas

For more on this story, click BizPac Review Trump vows to bring back ‘Merry Christmas’ – ‘You’re going to see it if I get elected!