David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-Planned Parenthood group, admitted that Carly Fiorina lied about the graphic video in which she claims an aborted fetus was kept and used to harvest its brain.

Republican candidate Fiorina insisted that the fetus in the video was aborted, but it was actually a stillborn child. CNN host Chris Cuomo grilled Daleiden about Fiorina’s claim and his group’s attempt to mislead the public and incite an emotional response.

“It’s the same baby, whether it’s born dead or alive, whether the organs are harvested or not,” Daleiden said.

“It’s also completely irrelevant to the point you’re trying to make, which is, ‘Look at what they do to these babies,’” said Cuomo. “It was born stillborn. It was not aborted. Doesn’t that matter to you if you’re talking about abortion?”

“It’s the same kind of fetus,” Daleiden added.

“My point is context,” Cuomo replied. “You’re saying, ‘what they do in abortions,’ that wasn’t an abortion. That’s my point.”


For more on this story, visit RawStory “‘This wasn’t an abortion’: CNN forces anti-Planned Parenthood group to admit Fiorina was wrong”