A lawsuit is underway against the weight loss supplement company Roca Labs for threatening and attempting to silence unhappy customers. According to the Federal Trade Commission, the company made almost $20 million selling weight loss supplements through misleading marketing and unfair advertising practices.

The FTC also claims that Roca Labs’s weight loss claims were completely baseless and their attempts to silence disgruntled users with legal actions was unlawful.

The FTC claims that customers had no reasons to think that a gag-order was present.

“There is no reason the consumers would have even known it existed in the first place,” said the FTC’s head of advertising practices, Mary Engle, to CBS.

Roca Labs also marketed the supplement for children.

“We’re always concerned about claims involving children but when you have potentially untested products, it’s something we take very, very seriously,” she said.

“If companies are trying to suppress negative information, we want to stop that,” said Engle.

Roca Labs currently has ceased all actions that the FTC has challenged in court, pending the court’s decision.

For more on this, read the article from CBS News titled: “FTC sues weight-loss co. for trying to silence unhappy customers.”