The nine Supreme Court Justices will retake the bench on Monday to reconvene for their new term and are expected to tackle the biggest current social issues: abortion, birth control, and race issues.

The Supreme Court is coming off the still hotly contested ruling that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right. Right-wing conservatives have denounced the ruling. Some evangelicals have even said the ruling put the country on a path to Hell. It’s insanity.

Below is the list of things that the Supreme Court will certainly address:

—Regulation of abortion clinics in Texas that could leave large parts of the second-most populous state without any abortion providers.

—Yet another battle over President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, involving the religious rights of faith-affiliated colleges, hospitals and charities and the provision of no-cost birth control to women covered by those groups’ health plans.

—Another round from the University of Texas over the consideration of race, among many factors, in college admissions.

—A challenge over drawing electoral districts in Texas that could affect representation of immigrant-heavy urban areas.

—A fight to strip labor unions that represent government workers of their right to collect fees from non-union employees who benefit from the unions’ work in collective bargaining.

Despite the landmark ruling in favor of same-sex civil rights, legal experts believe the conservative slant of the High Court will prevail in several of the upcoming cases. “This term, I’d expect a return to the norm, in which the right side of the court wins the majority, but by no means all of the cases,” said Georgetown University law school’s Irv Gornstein.

Some Justices are expected to retire during the next presidential term. This makes it imperative that the Democrats recapture the White House, or else America will term into a conservative Hellscape.

For more on this story, visit Talking Points MemoSupreme Court Expected To Address Abortion, Birth Control, And Race In New Term”