Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke at a Tennessee rally on Saturday and said that the Syrian refugees are mostly “young, strong men.” He then asked why they weren’t fighting for their country.

Because the Syrians are from a different country, Trump wants them gone. And because he thinks most are men, that they should be fighting. The situation in Syria is more complicated than that. But don’t expect Trump to waste time on the details.

“I’m looking the other day and other people have noticed this too. And they’re all men. It’s like, where are the women? Now, Not all, but they’re mostly men. Right? And they’re also very strong men,” Trump said. “These are not people. The first thing I said is, ‘these are men strong, strong men. Why are they not back fighting for their country?'”

“If you look at a random sampling, you’ll see tremendous numbers of young, strong men,” he added. “So, I don’t want to say that it’s for sure. And probably it’s not. That could be ISIS. That could be the enemy.”

Trump’s complete rambling can be seen below:

For more on this story, visit Talking Points Memo “Trump: Most Refugees Are Men, Why Are They Not Defending Their Country? (VIDEO)”