A Carlsbad, California woman is suing a police officer who punched and assaulted her in 2013 over a seatbelt violation. The woman was with her two children during the incident.

Cindy Hahn, 40, was leaving a birthday party with her two children, ages seven and 11, when she noticed police officers around a vacant car with its alarm going off. Hahn asked Officer Kenyatte Valentine about the situation, and he told Hahn to “mind your own fucking business.” She called the non-emergency line to complain about the officer.

While leaving, Valentine pulled Hahn over and said she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. He and another cop pulled her out of her vehicle, pinned her to the ground, and began punching and kneeing her.

The complaint filed against the department stated that Hahn suffered a concussion and brain contusions, among other injuries:

Ms. Hahn was transported to the emergency room where she was diagnosed with head and brain contusions and subsequently diagnosed with a concussion based on the Defendant Police Officer’s violence. Ms. Hahn suffers permanent memory loss and brain trauma as well as other physical and emotional injuries from the beating.

A local news station in Carlsbad released the video of the attack.


For more on this story, visit RawStoryVideo shows California cops punching unarmed woman in brutal arrest — for a seatbelt violation”